I will declare a State of emergency on week one. Our State is in Crisis. Trooper Johnson ran over by a drug addict in Libby. Matt the manager at Fuel Fitness in Kalispell murdered at gunpoint by a homeless person. These tragedies were avoidable had those bad actors been locked up. We will expeditiously add onto our State Prisons in Shelby and Deer lodge and clean out our local detention facilities. My administration will be sued with regards to Article 8 and that’s a fight I will embrace. It’s simple……. Don’t break the law and cruel and unusual punishment isn’t an issue. I will always stand up for the rights of victims and not the civil liberties of the criminals.
Pedophiles and child traffickers will get the highest penalty. No means No. There are lines that can’t be crossed, and we’ll send a firm resolute message that Montana’s kids and families are our most sacred Treasure.
Tanner Smith is available for interviews and speaking engagements to further discuss this matter and his 2024 campaign for Governor. Please contact the campaign Headquarters via email at: tannerformontana@gmail.com
Campaign Manager: Jim Riley 406-607-0728
Published on 3/4/2024 (1 years 9 days ago)