TannerforGovernor.com Montana has a homeless situation because we are allowing it. “If you build it, they will come”. My opponent and his Foundation aids and abets this homeless crisis. His donations of money, building of shelters, buying, or renting vehicles, leasing office space and his hiring of employees enables this homeless crisis. If you have employees making a living on solving the homeless crisis, they will NEVER solve the problem and put themselves out of business? It’s no coincidence that we have 200 NGOs in the State, and the crisis hasn’t been resolved? Homelessness is fixable. As your Governor Montana we will only spend resources on Montana residents. Out of State grifters will be bused out of our State. Homeless shelters will be required to drug, and alcohol test their residents. Having a resident test positive will result in revocation of their 501c3 tax exempt status. Needle exchanges and free Fentanyl test strips will all be gone. People need to be accountable for their actions and they need to first get sober to be well.
Tanner Smith is available for interviews and speaking engagements to further discuss this matter and his 2024 campaign for Governor. Please contact the campaign Headquarters via email at: tannerformontana@gmail.com
Campaign Manager: Jim Riley 406-607-0728
Published on 3/4/2024 (1 years 9 days ago)