On week one of my Administration, I will declare a State of emergency. If the Federal Government won’t enforce our laws, then I WILL enforce them HERE in our State. Because it is an emergency and unvetted migrants among us is UNSAFE. It was an emergency for the young women raped in Missoula and Bozeman. It’s an emergency for our law enforcement men and women that deal with the illegals and their illegal activities daily. It’s an emergency for our struggling school systems to incorporate them. We need to take care of Montana kids first. I will use our National Guard dressed in plain clothes to wrangle these folks up and escort them out of our State. Borders, Language and Culture are the Bedrock of American and Montana. Come here legally or don’t come at all.
Tanner Smith is available for interviews and speaking engagements to further discuss this matter and his 2024 campaign for Governor. Please contact the campaign Headquarters via email at: tannerformontana@gmail.com
Campaign Manager: Jim Riley 406-607-0728
Published on 3/12/2024 (1 years 1 days ago) Videos