On week one I will enact the Montana ORACLE act.
This will be our way to start reducing fuels in the forests and return to logging again. Montana is on the precipice of a major forest fire catastrophe, and we WILL lose structures, towns, and human lives. Think Paradise CA and Maui. As Governor I will pass the ORACLE act via Executive Action. Our Legislature will then pass a resolution confirming their support. Lastly County Commissioners can pass a local ordinance implementing the Act. County Commissioners have “The legal standing” in State and Federal Court to argue the case for keeping their constituents safe from fire. Opening roads and cutting fire lines as a preventative, defensive measure is how it was done 30 years ago. We will return to what works. Saw logs will go to the sawmill and the slash and pulp can be burned in biomass incinerators creating almost free electricity for Montanans. Folks the forests are burning every summer so burning them slowly in a controlled environment and making electricity helps everyone. Why spend 80 million a year fighting Forest fires when we can make 80 million a year in Revenue? AND get free electricity. It’s taken 30 years of the liberals filing lawsuits to stifle logging, I will reverse this in 8 years as your Governor.
Tanner Smith is available for interviews and speaking engagements to further discuss this matter and his 2024 campaign for Governor. Please contact the campaign Headquarters via email at: tannerformontana@gmail.com
Campaign Manager: Jim Riley 406-607-0728
Published on 3/4/2024 (198 days ago)