Montanan's Way of Life

Property Taxes (Video)

Montanans are justifiably upset over rising property taxes. Our tax base has shifted from USING the revenue from our natural resources and that burden is now on residential property owners. 30 years ago, proceeds from logging, mining and fossil fuels made up the bulk of our school funding. This tax shift hurts the middle class, renters, and the elderly the most. Conservative Republicans like me have plans to address taxes. Default back to pre-covid 2019 property values. Use acquisition value and assess property taxes based on what YOU actually paid for your house.

There are simple solutions to these problems but our current Governor, working with the Solutions Caucus and Democrats don’t want to fix it. His property Tax Task Force is comprised of the same people that wouldn’t return the surplus OR address property taxes over the last 3 years. This Uniparty has a plan, and they want a sales tax. I on the other hand want to return to what works and expand our tax base through responsibly using our natural resources. We are the Treasure State. Let’s make more money from other revenue streams rather than squeeze every cent out of our residents.



Tanner Smith is available for interviews and speaking engagements to further discuss this matter and his 2024 campaign for Governor.

Please contact the campaign Headquarters via email at:

Campaign Manager: Jim Riley 406-607-0728

Published on 3/14/2024 (364 days ago) Videos