Montanan's Way of Life


This will be our way to start reducing fuels in the forests and return to logging again. Montana is on the precipice of a major forest fire catastrophe, and we WILL lose structures, towns, and human lives. ...

Published on 3/4/2024 (187 days ago)


Pardoning Power

Our Constitution and the founding fathers gave the Executive Branch and the Governor the power to Pardon....

Published on 3/4/2024 (187 days ago)


Property Taxes

Montanans are justifiably upset over rising property taxes. Our tax base has shifted from USING the revenue from our natural resources and that burden is now on residential property owners....

Published on 3/4/2024 (187 days ago)


Tanner J. Smith Announces Candidacy for Governor in the 2024 Montana Election

Lakeside, MT (June 8, 2023) — Today, Tanner J. Smith proudly declares his intent to run for Governor in the upcoming 2024 election, with a strong focus on restoring Montana values and preserving the cherished way of life that Montanans hold dear, and protecting the future. Smith's campaign will center around revitalizing the state's economy, protecting its natural resources, and ensuring a prosperous future for all Montanans....

Published on 6/8/2023 (1 years 92 days ago)


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