Montanan's Way of Life

Issues with our Local Detention Centers

Tanner speaks about our local detention centers....

Published on 3/22/2024 (326 days ago) Videos


Tanner Opinion on Water Rights

Tanner Smith and water rights....

Published on 3/22/2024 (326 days ago) Videos


Tanner Opinion on Marijuana in Montana (Video)

Tanner's Opinion on Marijuana in Montana....

Published on 3/20/2024 (328 days ago) Videos


Tanner Opinion on Property Taxes in Montana (Video)

Tanner Smith speaking on property taxes in Montana....

Published on 3/20/2024 (328 days ago) Videos


Tanner Opinion on Parental Rights in Montana (Video)

Tanner Smith's opinion on parental rights in Montana....

Published on 3/20/2024 (328 days ago) Videos


Going to Jail Shouldn't be Fun (Video)

Tanner Smith talking about how going to jail shouldn't be fun....

Published on 3/20/2024 (328 days ago) Videos


Tanner's Thoughts on our Detention Centers (Video)

Tanner Smith's thoughts on our local detention centers....

Published on 3/20/2024 (328 days ago) Videos


Possible Biomass Incinerators Facilities in MT (Video)

Tanner Smith speaking on possible biomass incinerators facilities in MT....

Published on 3/20/2024 (328 days ago) Videos


Our State is in Crisis (Video)

Tanner Smith speaking on the MT State Crisis....

Published on 3/20/2024 (328 days ago) Videos


Tanner Biomass Incenerators (Video)

Tanner Smith speaking on biomass Incenerators....

Published on 3/20/2024 (328 days ago) Videos


Property Taxes (Video)

Montanans are justifiably upset over rising property taxes. Our tax base has shifted from USING the revenue from our natural resources and that burden is now on residential property owners. 30 years ago, proceeds from logging, mining and fossil fuels made up the bulk of our school funding. This tax shift hurts the middle class, renters, and the elderly the most. Conservative Republicans like me have plans to address taxes. Default back to pre-covid 2019 property values. Use acquisition value and assess property taxes based on what YOU actually paid for your house....

Published on 3/14/2024 (334 days ago) Videos


Screenshot 2024-03-14 at 11-25-22 Montana Sentinel Interview with Tanner Smith GOP Candidate for Governor.png

Montana Sentinel Interview with Tanner Smith, GOP Candidate for Governor (Video)

L Todd Wood speaks with Tanner Smith on his race to defeat the GOP incumbent for governor of Montana....

Published on 3/14/2024 (334 days ago) Videos


Tanner Smith Declares Candidacy for Governor, Appoints Randy Pinocci as Lt. Governor

Lakeside, MT (March 12, 2024): Tanner Smith has officially announced his candidacy for Governor after an extensive six-month campaign throughout the state of Montana. Campaign Manager Jim Riley expressed that the residents of Montana have been calling for stronger leadership, emphasizing the need for a conservative Governor. Smith, a third-generation Montanan, felt compelled to enter the race after recognizing the significant changes in the state during his time as a legislator....

Published on 3/12/2024 (336 days ago)


Illegal Immigration (Video)

On week one of my Administration, I will declare a State of emergency. If the Federal Government won’t enforce our laws, then I WILL enforce them HERE in our State....

Published on 3/12/2024 (336 days ago) Videos


Official Response from Tanner Smith regarding Kolstad Family case

Official Response from Tanner Smith regarding Kolstad Family case: “I’m a father of 5 myself and I too have had interactions with our Montana CPS. Having said that, the CPS here in the Kalispell area are fair, honest and a great group of folks doing an extremely tough job....

Published on 3/4/2024 (344 days ago)


2nd Amendment

Our Second Amendment rights have never been under attack like they are today……….and they have never been more important than now in 2024. We see daily how this tyrannical, weaponized government is stripping our liberties and Freedoms. We also see how a corrupt government that WON’T close the border is making things unsafe....

Published on 3/4/2024 (344 days ago)


Drugs, Crime, and Prison

I will declare a State of emergency on week one. Our State is in Crisis. Trooper Johnson ran over by a drug addict in Libby. Matt the manager at Fuel Fitness in Kalispell murdered at gunpoint by a homeless person. These tragedies were avoidable had those bad actors been locked up. ...

Published on 3/4/2024 (344 days ago)



Montana has a homeless situation because we are allowing it. “If you build it, they will come”. My opponent and his Foundation aids and abets this homeless crisis. His donations of money, building of shelters, buying, or renting vehicles, leasing office space and his hiring of employees enables this homeless crisis....

Published on 3/4/2024 (344 days ago)


“Inverted World”

We all can agree that things in America are upside down, inverted and backwards. Boys are now girls. Working hard and succeeding is now being replaced with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The bizarre is now being normalized and we are supposed to accept it. ...

Published on 3/4/2024 (344 days ago)


Law Enforcement

Our men and women in Law Enforcement need to know their Governor has their back. There’s more to supporting law enforcement than just funding them....

Published on 3/4/2024 (344 days ago)


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